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 Deathwish RPG - Professions

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Deathwish RPG - Professions Empty
PostSubject: Deathwish RPG - Professions   Deathwish RPG - Professions EmptyTue Dec 27, 2022 7:03 pm

The mod at the moment have 14 working professions and another 7 is planned to beign added.
Professions working passively and players gain their bonuses and the outcoming features of them automatically aftear reaching a certain level in a skill.
The list of bonuses are just temporary, they will be expanded with further updates and/or by players suggestions. They meant to provide smaller bonuses which doesn't apply drastical changes to the game.

Maximal level for each profession is level 30 now.

Here is a list for the bonuses what the professions provide:

0.5% chance/level to gain a Golden Tree Sapling drop
1% chance/level to gain Bird Nests on manually destroying leaves

0.1% chance/level to drop a epic gem on mining
0.2% chance/level to drop a rare gem on mining
0.3% chance/level to drop a uncommon gem on mining

With mining level 20 players can aquire Fortune I and Unbreaking I enchanted books with a reputation of 50 from the Dwarven Enchanter.

With this profession players can build Master Furnaces and Master Anvils.
On these new workspaces they can create improved version of some armors or can
craft some rare, multifunctional materials and items.

The crafting profession increases the outcome of some usefull items/materials.
Gaining crafting xp is only possible trough crafting potteries, torches, bricks, jeweleries, ropes and several decoration items and blocks. Also necessary to craft mechanical components.
In version 1.0 the crafting skill only affecting torch and pottery crafting with +1 in each 10th level.

This profession increasing the harvest yield by +1/5th level for common foods
Also adds a bunch of new crops to farm!

At level 5 you can buy Lobster Cages from the Master Angler
At level 10 you can buy Hand Cannon and ammunition for them from the Pirates
At level 15 the Pirates can teach you how to make your own cannonballs for the Hand Cannon (50 reputation req.)
At level 25 you can learn from the Master Angler how to craft Great Fishing nets

This skill increasing some of the outcome yield on common foods (sandwiches not included)

Increasing the yield of the arrows crafted on the crafting table by +2/10th level
Can repair all kinds of Bows and Crossbows at the Fletchers table with "Improved Mechanical Components" (If you have them in your inventory, right click with the bow on the block to repair)

Could earn XP trough enchanting items, players can craft their own XP Banks and
this profession allows the players to create various Blessings and Curses which can be added to Epic and Legendary weapons and armor sets ONLY!

Adds various new combinations to craft potions including super potions like the new health, mana and saturation potions. Many new flowers to obtain and use them as ingredients for your potions and even farmable herbs/roots and mushrooms. This profession extending the vanilla brewing system by making it a little bit easier at the same time.

Despite it looks like a useless skill it just brings in many features and spells into the game
so this profession deserves its very own bonuses.
This prof. just adds bandages on 4 tiers, the ability to craft purification/healing pools in your own house, special items to heal your allies in combat, passive/buff spells and the ability to remove curses/blessings from legendary and epic items.

The 2 professions are nearly the same with the exception that Tailoring used to craft dyes, common clothes and gear for mages meanwhile LW is used to craft leather based gear for warriors and assassins.

This profession is one of the hardest to level up because of the big resource need it has, including the fact that it needs some really rare materials too.
Engineering providing you semi-automatization blocks, dwarven technology, mechanical mounts and some QoL features to feel yourself more at home on your own base. Engineering will be dynamically expanded trough the updates because this is a skill which has a lots of opportunities.
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